About a month ago, I went to a state meet for BPA (Business Professionals of America) where I competed in Fundamental Accounting. I had been working for hours so that I could make it to nationals.
I opened my test packet and all of the breath was knocked out of me. I didn't know more than half of the concepts tested. Had I really been practicing all along just not to understand anything on that test?
During the awards ceremony, I was bouncing with anticipation for my event. I didn't actually think that I would get called up, but I had been praying really hard that I would make it to nationals because I know I wasn't the only one who didn't know what they were doing. In fact, when everyone had opened their test, you could literally feel all of the hope go out of the room.
Anyhow, going back to the awards ceremony, I kept waiting and eventually they began to announce my event and I am silent. Which is rare for me, but it was the moment I had been waiting for.My name had been called. But they call 8 people up there and only 5 qualify for nationals.
Once on stage, I could barely hear what the announcers were saying. When they called my name, I didn't realize they had called it till they were already moving on to the next name. I had placed sixth. That was amazing, but not what I wanted. I remembering feeling comforted before that I would make ti to nationals, but here is my shot and I've blown it.
Initially I was extremely sad.
HERE is where the atonement kicks in.
The atonement is what Christ did in the garden of Gethsemane. He suffered for our sins, afflictions and anything that ails us. Because Christ suffered, my burdened became light.
In that moment, just seconds of sadness, I prayed that I would be happy for the people who placed higher than me. That I would finally be able to be happy for people even if it didn't go my way. As soon as I finished that prayer, happiness filled my heart. Positive thoughts flooded into my mind about how hard everyone worked to make it this far in the competition and it wasn't fair for me to be so disappointed when we all deserved to win because we all did the work to get there.
Even though it seems like something so small and maybe even kind of stupid, it was important for me to actually see the atonement at work. I now know that the atonement is real. I knew it was real before, but I had never recognized the works of it. The atonement can be applied in any situation. Nothing bad has to happen, it doesn't have to be about a sin, it could be because of the actions of others. Heavenly Father will answer your prayer to feel the atonement work in your life. Big or small, your burden may be lightened. Your heart can be brought peace, love or happiness. Whatever you need, Heavenly Father can help you get what you need.
Just like it says in James 1:5-6, if you ask of God in FAITH, you will get an answer.
I challenge you to ask a question, or even just to talk to God today. He's waiting to hear from you. Though He already knows our hearts, it's best said when He actually hears how you feel and about your day from YOU.
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