In Sunday School, my teacher has impressed upon my class the importance of tender merices. She even gave a journal to write down tender mercies that we recognize, but I haven't been good at writing them down or really recognizing them. In my young women's group, we are participating in a summer Book of Mormon reading challenge.
As we have begun reading,I found a verse in the first chapter of 1st Nephi that stuck out to because it mentions tender mercies. In 1st Nephi 1:20 it states, "the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."
Reading this helped me realize that something I had experienced recently was a tender mercy. Though my mom had prayed for safety on the roads for our family and our cars, I didn't know that at the time. I was backing out of my parking space at Walmart slowly because a ginormous truck was obstructing my view when all of a sudden there was another gigantic truck zipping down the lane I was in. That truck should have hit my tiny car. There wasn't room for the truck to swerve because it should have hit the other cars, but somehow the truck managed to swerve without hitting anything. I should have been in an accident, but I wasn't. I wasn't harmed whatsoever. Both my car and the truck left without touching each other. Miracles happen everyday. This one for me was huge and a tender mercy because I have not been driving for very long and I am terrified that I'll get in an accident.
Just another thought, tender mercies are not just from the individual to learn from. By sharing them with others and writing them down for future generations, others can see the good in a situation and learn to recognize the Lord's hand in their own personal lives.
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